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Elevate your skin, hair, and nail health with our exclusive selection of MojoMe collagen products online. Say goodbye to wrinkles and welcome relief from joint discomfort by integrating the powerful benefits of MojoMe Collagen into your daily regimen.

MojoMe Collagen Powder Sourced From Grass-Fed Bovine

100% Pure Collagen Powder (Type I & III)

R 399.00R 775.00
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MojoMe Instant Collagen Broth

Instant Bone Broth Powder – Savoury Beef

R 359.00
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Instant Collagen Broth Jalapeno Chicken

MojoMe Collagen Broth – Jalapeño Chicken

R 359.00
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MojoMe Chicken Collagen Type 2

Collagen Type 2 Chicken

R 1,320.00
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MojoMe Keto Collagen Creamer 250g

Keto Collagen Creamer 250g

R 335.00
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A 250g container of MojoMe marine collagen powder displayed against a white background. The packaging is accented with pink and turquoise graphics, emphasising its key benefits like radiant skin, nourish nails and joint health, all derived from wild-caught, hydrolysed type I marine collagen peptides

Marine Collagen Powder (Type I) Wild-Caught

R 585.00R 1,045.00
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Advanced Joint Support Pet Collagen For Dogs and Cats

Advanced Joint-Support Collagen For Dogs and Cats

R 495.00
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Type 2 Collagen Capsules

Type 2 Collagen Capsules 120s

R 564.99
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MojoMe Collagen for Athletes

Sport Collagen for Athletes

R 439.00
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MojoMe Multi Collagen Capsules 180

Multi Collagen Capsules 180’s

R 549.99
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MojoMe Marine Collagen Capsules 180

Marine Collagen Capsules 180s

R 499.99
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Multi Collagen

Multi Collagen Powder

R 639.00
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Young and Active Everyday Maintenance Collagen for Pets

Maintenance Collagen For Dogs & Cats

R 295.00
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MojoMe Bovine Collagen Capsules 180's

Grass Fed Collagen Capsules 180s

R 349.99
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Collagen Granules (Type I and III Collagen Peptides)

R 399.00
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Collagen is a protein fundamental to connective tissues, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles. Its unique triple helix structure, composed of amino acids, provides strength and elasticity. At least 28 types of collagen have been identified, but types I, II, and III are the most prevalent in the human body, each serving distinct roles in our health and well-being.

The production of collagen, known as collagen synthesis, occurs mainly within the fibroblast cells, which are crucial for tissue repair and regeneration.

This process involves multiple steps, from linking amino acids to form procollagen to the secretion of procollagen into the extracellular space, which is modified into functional collagen.

Vitamin C, zinc and copper are vital co-factors supporting the enzymatic processes involved in collagen synthesis.

Amino acids like glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline are at the heart of collagen's structure.

They combine in a repetitive pattern, giving collagen characteristic strength and rigidity.

Proline and lysine get hydroxylated, which requires vitamin C, underscoring the importance of a nutrient-rich diet in maintaining collagen levels.

As the most abundant protein in the body, collagen is instrumental in numerous bodily functions.

It supports skin elasticity and hydration, contributes to the integrity of joint cartilage, and ensures the strength and flexibility of bones and tendons.

Furthermore, collagen acts as a protective barrier for organs and is vital in wound healing, showcasing its critical role across various aspects of our health.

Our skin is in a perpetual state of regeneration, with collagen playing a pivotal role in the repair of tissues.

When the skin is damaged, collagen acts as a regenerative stimulus, accelerating the healing processes and helping to restore the skin's natural barrier.



Studies Showcasing the Effects of Collagen on Skin Health


Recent studies have illuminated the positive effects of collagen on the skin. These research findings have demonstrated how collagen supplements can improve skin elasticity, increase hydration levels, and even enhance skin texture.


  • One notable study published in Skin Pharmacology and Physiology found that collagen peptides significantly improved skin hydration and elasticity.
  • Another study in the Journal of Medical Nutrition & Nutraceuticals reported that collagen supplementation showed promising results in the skin's repair and regeneration processes.

Wrinkle Reduction with Collagen


One of collagen's most coveted benefits is its ability to reduce wrinkle visibility.

By enhancing the skin's elasticity and retaining moisture, collagen can soften the appearance of existing wrinkles and slow the development of new ones, contributing to a smoother and more youthful complexion.

Understanding How Collagen Slows the Ageing Process


As the most abundant protein in the human body, collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining our skin's structure, elasticity, and hydration.


Over time, our body's natural ability to produce collagen diminishes, leading to common signs of ageing, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and a loss of skin firmness.


By replenishing our body's collagen through supplements, we may slow down these visible effects of ageing and support the skin's regenerative processes.



Collagen and Its Role in Maintaining Youthful Skin


Youthful skin is often characterised by its smoothness, resilience, and plump appearance.

The underlying support for these traits is a sturdy network of collagen fibres. Collagen's structure is a pillar of skin health, representing a key agent in the ongoing renewal and repair of skin cells.


This fortifies the skin's barrier and preserves its youthful qualities.



Combating the Signs of Aging with Collagen Supplements


With age, the signs of diminished collagen are visible and tactile. The skin may become thinner and more fragile.


To counteract these changes, collagen supplements have emerged as a popular method for aiding the body in restoring its collagen reserves.


These supplements often draw from hydrolyzed collagen, which has been broken down into smaller, easily absorbable peptides.


Such supplementation aims at revitalising the skin from the inside, helping to minimise the appearance of ageing.



Anti-Ageing in the Collagen Discussion

  • Exploring the impact of collagen on skin cell regeneration and how it can lead to a more vibrant complexion.
  • Assessing scientific findings regarding collagen's effectiveness in improving skin elasticity and reducing wrinkle depth.
  • Discuss the various types of collagen supplements available and how they can be integrated into an anti-ageing skincare routine.
  • This highlights the importance of a holistic approach that combines collagen use with other anti-ageing strategies for optimal results.

The presence of collagen in our joints cannot be understated. Collagen is a major component of articular cartilage, the tissue that cushions the ends of bones in the joints. By ensuring the integrity of this cartilage, collagen helps allow for smooth, pain-free movement.



The Impact of Collagen on Cartilage and Tendon Strength


Collagen fibres are essential for the tensile strength of cartilage and tendons, lending them the rigidity and the ability to withstand the pressures of daily activities. A decline in collagen levels often correlates with increased joint issues, affirming the necessity of collagen for long-term joint health.



Joint Support Through Collagen Supplementation


Addressing the concern of naturally diminishing collagen levels, collagen supplementation may help to replenish what time strips away. Many supplements targeting joint health include types I and II collagen, which have been shown to support joint comfort and functionality.



Studies on Collagen's Effectiveness in Joint Pain Relief and Mobility Improvement

  • A study in the Journal of Applied Nutrition demonstrated a significant reduction in joint pain among athletes who consumed a hydrolyzed collagen supplement.
  • In a research study published by the International Journal of Medical Sciences, patients with osteoarthritis experienced improved mobility after a consistent intake of collagen supplements.
  • Research has consistently shown that regular collagen supplementation may substantially improve overall joint health, increasing the quality of life for individuals suffering from joint pain.


While individual results can vary, the consensus across numerous studies suggests that collagen holds great potential in supporting joint strength and recovery.

Collagen, often heralded as nature's beauty elixir, has become a cornerstone ingredient in beauty supplements across the globe. As the most abundant protein in our bodies, collagen is integral to maintaining the vitality and elasticity of our skin, making it a prized asset for anyone seeking a youthful and glowing appearance.



How Collagen Supplements Can Enhance Your Beauty Regimen


Incorporating collagen supplements into your daily beauty routine can contribute significantly to the health and resilience of your skin. By replenishing the collagen naturally lost with age, these supplements support the skin's hydration and firmness, leading to a more vibrant and smooth complexion.



Beauty Supplements and Their Benefits for Hair and Nails


While much attention is given to collagen's impact on human skin, its benefits extend far beyond. Collagen supplements are also known for their positive effects on hair and nail health. They provide the necessary proteins to fortify hair strands and improve nail strength, encouraging growth and reducing the likelihood of breakage.



The Link Between Collagen, Hair and Nails Strength


The connection between collagen, hair, and nails stems from collagen's role in providing structural support to the proteins that constitute our hair shafts and nail beds. This is why an increase in collagen intake can lead to more robust and resilient hair and nails:


  • Nourished Hair Follicles: Collagen is a building block for hair, promoting a healthy scalp environment for hair growth.
  • Preventing Nail Brittleness: Regular collagen supplementation can help keep nails strong and less prone to peeling and splitting.


In summary, collagen boasts many beauty benefits, proving to be a quintessential ally in your pursuit of beauty and wellness. When integrated into your supplement repertoire, collagen can help lay the foundation for a more beautiful you inside and out.

Increasingly recognised for its health benefits, collagen is considered by many as a protein powerhouse.

It's not just another protein supplement-collagen provides a distinct amino acid profile that is particularly rich in glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline, which are not as prevalent in other protein sources.

Collagen's amino acid composition is especially conducive to muscle repair and growth.

These amino acids are critical in synthesising muscle tissue, making collagen an ideal supplement for post-workout recovery and muscle maintenance

Adaptable to various dietary needs, collagen is appealing to those following ketogenic, paleo, or high-protein diets. It's easily integrated into daily routines, whether it's added to morning smoothies or post-workout shakes, offering seamless support for anyone's nutritional goals.



Academic Insights on Collagen and Protein Synthesis


Recent academic studies have illuminated the effectiveness of collagen in promoting protein synthesis. These insights confirm that incorporating collagen into one's diet can significantly aid the body's natural processes of building and repairing protein structures.


  • Glycine-rich collagen may boost the body's own collagen production, contributing to muscle strength and function.
  • Supplementing with collagen has been shown to improve body composition by enhancing lean muscle mass.
  • Collagen's high bioavailability ensures that its amino acids are readily absorbed and utilised by the body.

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, is crucial in maintaining and promoting bone health. Our bones tend to lose density and strength as we age, but incorporating collagen into your diet could be a key factor in preserving bone vitality.



Collagen's Part in Bone Density and Strength

The structural integrity of bones is inherently linked to collagen, which provides a framework that helps in mineralisation and gives bones their durability. Collagen fibres in the bone tissue contribute to the bone's ability to withstand shocks and stresses, thus preventing fractures and other bone-related injuries.



Bone Health Preservation by Collagen Intake

Maintaining bone health is critical, especially as one gets older. Daily collagen intake has been associated with helping to maintain bone density levels, which, in turn, reduces the risk of bone diseases such as osteoporosis. These positive outcomes are seen especially when collagen supplementation is paired with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.



Research Addressing Collagen's Effect on Bone Metabolism

Recent scientific research has shed light on collagen's significant impact on bone metabolism. Studies suggest that collagen peptides stimulate the production of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) and improve the bone's extracellular matrix synthesis, which is critical for bone health.


Collagen and Its Significance in Ageing Bone Health


As people age, collagen production naturally decreases, negatively affecting bone health. Supplementation with collagen has shown promise in countering these effects by improving bone mineral density and overall bone strength and flexibility. This particularly benefits the elderly, who are more susceptible to bone deterioration and related complications.


In conclusion, incorporating collagen into a health regimen has scientifically backed benefits for maintaining and enhancing bone health, highlighting its importance as a supplement beyond beauty and joint care. Collagen is a pivotal aid for bone longevity and vitality by supporting bone structure and positively influencing bone metabolism.

As we continue to explore collagen's multifaceted advantages, its impact on gut health is a significant area of interest to health professionals and individuals alike. Collagen has been found to play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and function of the digestive system.


The Influence of Collagen on Digestive Health


Collagen is a key component in the connective tissue throughout our body, including the gastrointestinal tract. Research has suggested that collagen peptides may offer soothing properties for the gut, which can benefit those experiencing digestive imbalances and discomfort.



Collagen and the Gut's Protective Lining


One crucial function of collagen within the digestive system is its contribution to forming the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract. This barrier helps defend against harmful substances and may prevent a "leaky gut," where toxins and food particles pass into the bloodstream.



Insights Into Collagen's Role in Gut Healing and Function Improvement


Collagen's amino acids, such as glutamine, glycine, and proline, have been associated with promoting gut health and healing. These amino acids help in cell regeneration and can aid in repairing the gut lining, which is essential for a well-functioning digestive system.



How Collagen Supplements Can Aid in Gut Health Management

  • Improvement in Gut Barrier Function: Regular intake of collagen supplements may enhance the gut's natural barrier, leading to a healthy and resilient digestive tract.
  • Support for Digestive Health: By providing the necessary amino acids, collagen supplements can support the repair and growth of intestinal cells and thus facilitate overall gut health.
  • Reduction in Inflammation: Certain amino acids in collagen have anti-inflammatory properties, which may alleviate inflammation within the gut, promoting a balanced and less irritable digestive environment.


It's clear that collagen's benefits are not restricted to external appearances alone but also extend to the internal wellness of our gut.

With these insights on the role of collagen in gut health management, we can see why this vital protein is gaining recognition as an essential supplement for those seeking to maintain a healthy and robust digestive system.

Collagen has become a cornerstone supplement for athletes seeking to enhance their performance and ensure faster recovery. As the most abundant protein in the body, collagen provides critical support for the connective tissues, including tendons and ligaments, which are essential to athletic movement and endurance.



The Advantage of Collagen Supplements for Athletes


Integrating collagen supplements into an athlete's diet may offer an edge when it comes to physical performance and recovery. By replenishing the body's natural collagen levels, which deplete with age and stress, athletes can help maintain the structural integrity of their connective tissues, resulting in increased durability and decreased risk of injury.



Collagen's Effect on Athletic Recovery and Tendon Support


Athletic recovery is pivotal for consistent performance. Collagen's amino acids, such as glycine and proline, contribute to the repair and maintenance of tendons, potentially speeding up recovery times and mitigating the effects of repetitive strain. The improved tendon support can translate into better resistance to the high-impact forces exerted during vigorous exercise.



How Collagen Can Optimise Athletic Performance

  • Enhancing joint flexibility and mobility
  • Contributing to the maintenance of lean muscle mass
  • Supporting energy production during intense workouts
  • Assisting in the repair of muscle fibres post-exercise


Collagen helps maintain healthy connective tissue and muscle mass, presenting a holistic approach to optimizing overall athletic performance.



Testimonials from Athletes Using Collagen


In the realm of athletics, real-world results speak volumes. Numerous athletes have reported experiencing improved joint health, shorter recovery periods, and a stronger sense of readiness for training and competition after incorporating collagen supplements into their routines.

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, is a critical building block for maintaining skin elasticity, joint health, and overall bodily structure. However, not all sources of collagen are created equal, and the quality of collagen supplements can significantly impact their effectiveness.



Different Sources of Collagen: Animal vs. Marine


When it comes to sourcing, collagen is predominantly derived from two main categories: animal (bovine, porcine, or chicken) and marine (fish). Each source brings with it distinct properties and benefits:


  • Animal Collagen: Typically derived from cows, pigs, or chickens, animal collagen is rich in type I and type III collagen, which are prevalent in skin and bone tissues.
  • Marine Collagen: Extracted from fish skin and scales, marine collagen is primarily type I collagen. It's considered to be more environmentally sustainable and may be absorbed more efficiently due to its smaller peptide size.

Selecting the right collagen supplement goes beyond simply opting for a preferred source. High-quality collagen is characterised by factors such as sourcing from grass-fed, pasture-raised animals or sustainable fisheries, the absence of harmful additives or heavy metals, and the method of extraction used.

It's crucial to choose products that provide transparent information about the origin and processing of their collagen.



Hydrolyzed Collagen and Its Enhanced Absorption Benefits


Hydrolyzed collagen, also known as collagen peptides, is collagen that has undergone hydrolysis, a process that breaks down the protein into smaller peptides, making it easier for the body to absorb.

This form of collagen is typically considered superior due to its enhanced bioavailability, meaning the body can absorb and utilise it more readily than non-hydrolyzed forms. As a result, when selecting a collagen supplement, hydrolyzed collagen can be a mark of quality to look for.

Understanding the best ways to incorporate collagen supplements into your daily routine can significantly enhance their efficacy. By following proven practices and dosage recommendations, you can optimise the health benefits that collagen provides.



Best Practices for Incorporating Collagen into Your Daily Routine


Consistency is key to ensuring you get the most out of your collagen supplements. Regular daily intake, as part of your normal diet, helps maintain a steady supply of this vital protein in your body.

  • Consistency: Try to take your collagen supplement at the same time each day to help establish a habit and create lasting results.
  • Pairing: For better absorption, pair your collagen intake with a source of vitamin C or ensure your supplement includes it.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, as collagen works best when the body is well-hydrated.

Dosage Recommendations for Optimal Health Benefits


Finding the right dose of collagen for your lifestyle and health goals is crucial. While there is no one-size-fits-all dosage, most studies suggest a range between 10 to 20 grams per day.


Note: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are pregnant or nursing.



Creative Ways to Include Collagen in Your Diet


Adding collagen to your diet doesn't have to be a monotonous task. There are numerous creative ways to incorporate it into meals and snacks throughout your day:


  • Add a scoop of collagen powder to your morning coffee, tea, or smoothie for an easy boost.
  • Mix collagen into oatmeal or yoghurt to enhance your breakfast with a protein kick.
  • Prepare homemade soups or broths with a collagen supplement for a nourishing and restorative meal.
  • Use collagen powder in your baking recipes to add a healthy twist to treats.


Remember: Always choose high-quality collagen supplements from reputable sources to ensure the best health outcomes.

Which is the Best collagen For Me?

MojoMe's range of oral collagen peptides provide powerful anti-ageing health benefits and, with regular use, can improve skin hydration, promote youthful radiance and physical strength while helping to reduce joint pain. MojoMe collagen are superior low-molecular-weight powders with a clinically proven absorption rate of >96%. Results are backed by a number of scientific randomised placebo-controlled studies. The deciding factor comes down to your specific needs, personal preferences and dietary restrictions. When it comes to making the right choice for yourself, research is key and knowledge is power and should also be the deciding factor when choosing the best collagen for you. 

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It forms the main structural component of connective tissues, such as skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bones.

It's essential for maintaining skin elasticity, joint mobility, and the overall structural integrity of the body's tissues.

Yes, studies have shown that collagen supplements can improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and increase skin hydration.

However, results can vary depending on the individual and the quality of the collagen supplement used.

Supplementing with collagen has been associated with reduced joint pain and could help maintain joint health, particularly in individuals with osteoarthritis or high-impact lifestyles.

Collagen provides a framework for calcium and other minerals to bind and form bones. Adequate collagen intake can support bone density and overall skeletal strength.

While research is ongoing, there is some evidence to suggest that collagen could support gut health by reinforcing the lining of the gut and potentially alleviating issues like leaky gut syndrome.

Collagen supplements are generally considered safe, and side effects are rare. However, some individuals may experience mild digestive issues.

It's important to talk to a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen.

Collagen can be found in foods, particularly in bone broth and certain cuts of meat that contain connective tissue.

However, supplements can provide a more targeted and convenient collagen intake, especially for those with dietary restrictions.

It can vary, but most individuals report noticing benefits such as improved skin and reduced joint discomfort after 8-12 weeks of consistent collagen supplement intake.

Expert Answers to Common Questions Regarding Collagen Intake and Its Effects

Below are responses from experts to more specific questions on collagen intake and its physiological effects.

Collagen supplements are not weight loss products per se, but they can be a beneficial part of a balanced diet due to their protein content, which can promote satiety and help with muscle maintenance.

There is no established Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for collagen.

However, studies have often used dosages ranging from 2.5 to 15 grams per day, depending on the quality of the collagen supplement and desired health outcomes.

Although there is no plant-based source of collagen, certain nutrients such as vitamin C, proline, glycine, and copper can support the body's native collagen production.

Vegan supplements that promote collagen synthesis are also available.

Yes, the source can affect the type and composition of collagen and its potential benefits. Bovine, marine and chicken collagen are the most common sources, each with its own set of benefits.

  • Please consult with a healthcare provider for advice tailored to your individual health and nutritional needs.
  • Remember that while supplements can be beneficial, they should complement an overall balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

The information appearing on is for educational and informational purposes only. Information and products are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. All content should not be construed as or used as a substitute for professional nutritional, clinical or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Readers use the information provided solely at their own risk and discretion.