The Complete Guide To Collagen Powder

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    Collagen Powder: Everything You Need To Know


    Collagen powder is everywhere. It can be found at any wellness store, in our local supermarkets, as an add-on option at many coffee franchises and even in health bars. However, while collagen powder has been lauded as a miracle ingredient that is great for our health, many questions surround it – specifically, what exactly collagen is, and why it is so good for the human body.


    Collagen makes up 30% of our body’s protein, meaning it is the most abundant protein in the human body. The primary building block forms skin, bones, muscles, and connective tissue, such as ligaments. Collagen can even be found in our organs, intestinal lining, and blood vessels.


    Collagen also helps build teeth, hair and nails, so ensuring our bodies take in enough protein is instrumental in providing strength and mobility, our skin’s elasticity is maintained, and hair remains strong and healthy. Collagen is the main structural building block in humans and all animals. This is why we are encouraged to eat foods high in collagen, such as bone broth, salmon skin and egg yolks.


    Our award-winning collagen “bone broth” is the perfect blend of natural ingredients and a convenient, immune-boosting, must-have health food. Keep reading to learn more about collagen and how MojoMe can set you up with our ever-beneficial collagen powder products!



    How Is Collagen Powder Made?


    Collagen powder is a nutritional supplement extracted from animal tissue and processed into a powder that you can add to virtually anything; your breakfast oats, coffee or smoothies. Collagen powder is flavourless and tasteless, so it does not bring any unpleasant flavour or odour to whatever food you choose to add it to.

    Always ensure that the collagen powder you use is cruelty-free, like the ones we offer at MojoMe.



    Is Pure Collagen Powder Good For You?


    Though research into the benefits of collagen powder is limited, studies have shown that introducing daily collagen powder to your diet may improve bone density. This helps minimise the impact of ageing on bones, as bones are susceptible to becoming brittle with age. Ingesting collagen powder daily can also improve the elasticity of joints, making movement easier as we age.


    Daily collagen powder intake may also improve the skin’s elasticity and ability to absorb water, increasing hydration. Collagen powder can also aid in improving sleep and boosting gut health.



    Does Collagen Powder Really Work?


    While there is scepticism from the broader scientific community on the viability and necessity of consuming collagen powder, some studies have shown that taking collagen powder for several months can improve skin elasticity. Subjects in the study that took collagen powder daily reported that their wrinkles were less pronounced, and their skin felt and looked smoother.


    Other studies have tentatively shown that daily collagen powder intake may ease joint, knee and back pain in older individuals and those with chronic pain.



    Is It Okay To Take Collagen Powder Every Day?


    Collagen is considered a safe and non-toxic supplement and can be consumed daily. Even when consumed daily, there have been no adverse side effects reported. Collagen supports the body by improving and supporting bone strength, muscle support and the growth of connective tissues.



    What Are The Specific Roles Of Collagen?


    Collagen has many purposes within the human body and is vitally important in supporting various systems in the body. Daily collagen powder intake can support and improve the following:

    – Replacing dead skin cells

    – Creating protective coverings around organs

    – Improving skin’s elasticity, boosting skin’s resilience and strength

    – Improving blood coagulation


    Scientists have identified 28 different types of collagen. The types differ according to their molecular structure and where they are utilised within the body. There are, however, five main types of collagens found within the body, and these include:

    Type I: Approximately 90% of the body’s collagen is Type I. It is densely packed and is used to build bones, tendons, ligaments and skin.

    Type II: This collagen helps improve joint movement and is found in articular and joint cartilage.

    Type III: This collagen type is found in organs, muscles, and arteries.

    Type IV: This collagen is found in our skin layers and supports elasticity and skin strength.

    Type V: This collagen type is vital to the body’s natural protective barriers, such as the cornea of the eyes, some skin layers, hair, and placental tissue.



    Our bodies produce less collagen as we age, and as the years go by, the collagen we make also breaks down faster. While everyone, regardless of sex, experiences a decline in natural collagen production after age 50, studies have found that women produce significantly less collagen after menopause. Adding collagen powder to your daily diet can increase your collagen intake, allowing it to diffuse into the bloodstream. Check out our high-quality, cruelty-free MojoMe collagen powders and bone broths!



    What Are The Signs Of The Body’s Natural Collagen Production Decreasing?


    While a blood test cannot detect collagen levels, your body will give you some signs that its natural collagen production is decreasing. While this is normal as the body ages, some lifestyle choices can also cause faster collagen degradation in the body. These signs include:


    – Sagging skin

    – Facial skin hollowing, especially around the eyes and cheeks

    – Weakening muscles, and muscle aches

    – Gastrointestinal issues due to the thinning of the lining of the digestive tract

    – Stiff and painful joints due to worn and thinning cartilage or osteoporosis

    – Stiff and inflexible ligaments and tendons

    – Issues with blood flow, including clogged arteries and thin blood


    As mentioned above, some lifestyle choices can lead to more rapid collagen degradation. These include:


    Smoking: Smoking can damage collagen and elastin, making it harder for the body to heal from wounds and causing wrinkles. Nicotine has been proven to constrict blood vessels near the skin’s surface, making it more difficult for nutrients and oxygen to go where they are needed in the body.


    Overconsumption of sugar and refined carbs: Overeating sugar is generally harmful to the body as sugar attaches to proteins and creates issues with blood sugar levels. The molecules from glycation end products destroy proteins, which impact collagen by making it weak, brittle and dry.


    Exposure to UV light without protection: Prolonged exposure to sunlight causes collagen to degrade more rapidly, causing the skin to wrinkle prematurely. Always wear hats and skin protection with an SPF of 30 or higher outdoors.



    What Is The Best Time Of The Day To Take Pure Collagen Powder?


    There are many different online arguments about the best time of day to take your pure collagen powder. Some believe it is best to take it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and others believe it is best to take it before bed as the skin rejuvenates during sleep.


    These arguments have been discounted, as experts believe there is no optimal time of the day to consume collagen powder. Instead, they say you will see a difference when you take a minimum dose of five grams of collagen powder daily. Unfortunately, very little research supports taking pure collagen at a particular time of day to help your body absorb it better.


    Research, however, has found that pure collagen contains glycine, an amino acid known to promote deep, restful sleep. How you consume your collagen also does not matter either; it can be taken with your morning cup of coffee or in a larger meal such as soup.



    Can Heat Damage The Effectiveness Of Pure Collagen Powder?


    While it is true that many nutritional supplements lose their potency when exposed to heat, collagen is not one of them. If you have arbitrary scientific knowledge of proteins, you may assume that as pure collagen powder is protein-based, it denatures when exposed to high temperatures. But rest easy; pure collagen is not impacted by consuming it with a hot drink such as coffee.


    This is because collagen has a high number of amino acids per peptide, making it more stable even at high temperatures. According to research, marine type I collagen is the most heat tolerant of collagen powder supplements, as it has the highest number of amino acids.


    Collagen peptides remain stable up to 300°C, which is a much higher temperature than your oats or coffee. As such, pure collagen powder can be added to soups, coffees, teas and other hot meals and drinks without being in danger of being rendered ineffective due to heat.




    How Do I Know The Collagen Powder I’ve Bought Is High-Quality?


    With so many different collagen supplements on the market, it can be hard to distinguish between high-quality collagen and collagen of sub-par quality. Here is how to determine whether the collagen powder you’ve bought is “pure”:



    High-quality pure collagen has no taste or smell:


    If the “pure” collagen powder you’ve bought is tinted, that may already be a hint that it has unwanted additives and flavourings. In addition, pure collagen powder will produce virtually no colour when added to a glass of water. So steer clear if there is any strong tint, such as brown or green. It is of high quality if the collagen supplement is tasteless when added to water or anything else.



    You will not experience any adverse side effects:


    Most experts believe you will see a difference after taking as little as 2.5g of collagen daily. However, steer clear if the recommended daily dosage is higher than 15g, which is the maximum daily recommended dosage. Also, do you begin feeling odd after consuming a collagen supplement? That may indicate it being chock-full of additives, preservatives and other ingredients that high-quality pure collagen powder brands typically minimise or mitigate completely from their formulas.



    Pure collagen powders have been tested for safety:


    Before purchasing pure collagen powder, research the brand that manufactures it. If there are studies based around a specific brand of pure collagen powder, it indicates that the amino acids of the supplement have been clinically researched. Unfortunately, many collagen supplement brands confuse consumers by claiming their products are science-based, but in reality, they apply collagen’s general uses and benefits without scientific backing.



    More About MojoMe


    At MojoMe, we aim to help demystify your health by putting it back in your hands. From collagen powder to delicious bone broths, our products are free from unnecessary additives, bulking agents, preservatives and artificial sweeteners. Instead, we prioritise your health and high-quality products that are locally manufactured using ethically sourced ingredients. So help your body with MojoMe!

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    The information appearing on is for educational and informational purposes only. Information and products are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. All content should not be construed as or used as a substitute for professional nutritional, clinical or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Readers use the information provided solely at their own risk and discretion.

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