Many dog owners are aware that chocolate, alcohol, and grapes are toxic to dogs, but are unaware of the risk from ingesting the common natural sweetener, Xylitol?


Xylitol offers many health benefits to people, but it can be deadly toxic to dogs and should not be fed to any pets.

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What to keep out of your dogs reach, the symptoms to look for and what to do in case of an emergency.

With any toxic exposure, minutes count. So knowing what to do can save your pet’s life. Most importantly, you should have the phone number of your local vet and an after-hours emergency animal hospital posted in your home.

Xylitol is a natural sweetener sometimes derived from Birch trees.


It is already an extremely popular alternative to sugar because it is suitable for diabetics, is low carb and has 40% less calories.

Xylitol is used in the global manufacture of many sugar-free branded products, including baked goods, sweets and chewing gum.

However, and like some other common food stuffs, it is important to realise that Xylitol is potentially toxic to dogs. Dogs should never be fed or allowed to consume any products containing Xylitol. Products containing or made with Xylitol must always be kept out of your pet's reach.

Meeting an increasing market demand for Xylitol, MojoMe considers it both ethical and vital that customers are made aware of and are able to share this important information so that people do not unknowingly place their pets lives in unnecessary danger.

We have also produced a FREE information sheet for you to download and distribute. If you have any questions or feedback please contact us.

MojoMe Xylitol will carry our custom designed awareness infographic.

Our preferred choice of a Banting approved (and pet safe) alternative to Xylitol is MojoMe Erythritol.


Ingesting just 100mg of Xylitol per kilogram of canine bodyweight may cause a rapid release of the hormone insulin, causing a sudden decrease in blood glucose (low blood sugar and hypoglycemia) for dogs.

The drop in blood sugar occurs within 15 minutes.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include vomiting, depression, loss of coordination, seizures, or coma may be seen within 30 minutes after the dog consumes the Xylitol-containing product.

Exposure to higher Xylitol doses may result in fatal liver failure in some dogs.

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